ADMINU 1500$ MissColorado

Schön, dass Du zu uns gefunden hast! Betrete diesen Bereich für Deine Bewerbung bei den Immos.

Moderatoren: Gildenleitung, Ratsherr / Ratsdame, Raidleiter

Beiträge: 28
Registriert: 01 Apr 2024 23:10

ADMINU 1500$ MissColorado

Beitragvon Ivanpub » 26 Apr 2024 14:26

Good day .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want position promotion space for a banner in the top of the location, for $500 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my portal - will it not contradict the issue? Thank you!
Write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail

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